Emergency Apparatus Maintenance, Inc.
Organization Overview
Founded in 1987, Emergency Apparatus Maintenance Inc. is a modern facility specializing in full service Fire Apparatus and Ambulance repair and routine maintenance. EAM Inc. specializes in on-site service and repair and testing of all types of Fire Apparatus and Emergency Vehicles, providing repair and maintenance services from bumper to bumper.
Our Main office and repair facilities are located in Lino Lakes, Minnesota about 15 minutes north of Minneapolis/St. Paul. The 12 bay shop is a well-equipped state of the art facility. We also provide onsite service to fourteen states from regional technicians. Our service fleet includes 18 fully stocked trucks & 14 portable pump test units available to provide service at any location. Proud ESOP Member since 2009.
Our Main office and repair facilities are located in Lino Lakes, Minnesota about 15 minutes north of Minneapolis/St. Paul. The 12 bay shop is a well-equipped state of the art facility. We also provide onsite service to fourteen states from regional technicians. Our service fleet includes 18 fully stocked trucks & 14 portable pump test units available to provide service at any location. Proud ESOP Member since 2009.
Rusty Svendsen
Vice President of Operations
Mel Iverson
Director of Finance/Marketing Manager