Previous Projects

OD2A Project


WEMSA was awarded a grant in early 2020 from the WI Department of Health Services and the Center for Disease Control called Overdose Data to Action (OD2A). Our team is working on multiple facets of this program to bridge gaps between Emergency Medical providers and their communities facing opioid abuse in Wisconsin.

CORE 1: T-NAI Training & Protocols

We have applied a interdisciplinary approach to investigating key issues on Opioid Overdose in communities in Wisconsin. Our current project focuses on creating training and protocols for use for telecommunicators when encountering opioid overdose related callers.

T-NAI is Telecommunicator Naloxone Administration Instruction training for telecommunicators/ dispatchers across the entire state of Wisconsin. For PSAP centers that don't already have a naloxone administration protocol to rely on, they will learn from this training and protocol information to employ within their center.

T-NAI PowerPoint Training

CORE 2: EMS Opioid Drug Usage Disorder Resource Guides

Our team is focused on creating effective and changeable EMS Resource Guides to help bridge the gap of resourceful information for Opioid overdose calls of both non-transported and transported calls. 

Our team has focused on developing these guides for Wisconsin counties that have seen the highest rise and level of Opioid overdose calls and providing them to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) across those counties and across Wisconsin.

Overdose patients and their families or friends can use these guides to find local and relevant resources in their areas.

View our Resource Guides Here

CORE 3: Opioid/ Naloxone Information & Awareness

The final core of this project is to promote opioid awareness and naloxone education to EMS providers and departments across Wisconsin. In addition, this information can be made publicly available.

Please contact to get access to our available trainings.