The Wisconsin EMS Association (WEMSA) wishes to thank the members of the Wisconsin Legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance for their actions recently to provide significant Medicaid rate increases for Wisconsin EMS and for approving the funding increase. In addition, we applaud the members for their actions to increase funding to the EMS-FAP program which helps provide funds for EMS departments for training, equipment, and vehicles.
A SPECIAL THANKS to the following state legislators for their leadership and work on these EMS budget funding issues. Please consider visiting their representative webpage and sending them a personal note to thank them for investing in Wisconsin's EMS.
Rep. Amy Loudenbeck (R-Clinton)
Rep. Mark Born (R-Beaver Dam)
Rep. Tony Kurtz (R-Wonewoc)
Sen. Mary Felzkowski (R-Irma)
Sen. Howard Marklein (R-Spring Green)
Sen. Jerry Petrowski (R-Marathon)
Please note, the actions of the Joint Finance Committee are only one part of a long process. After the Committee completes actions on the budget this week - the budget bill still needs to pass both houses of the State Legislature and then final action by the Governor.
Work on the challenges that face EMS does not stop. It is our goal to continue to support and serve EMS in Wisconsin through advocacy and policy changes.
Thank You,
Alan DeYoung, Executive Director
Wisconsin EMS Association